Stillpoints Ultra SS Orientation

For as long as I have owned my Stillpoints Ultra SS I have had the narrow end pointing down. I use 4 Stillpoints per component.

Yesterday, I moved them so that the narrow end is facing up towards the component and to my surprise the soundstage was a little fuller with a much better center image.

So component by component I changed them all.
Good for you, mate! You might want to consider using 3 Stillpoints per component rather than 4 - you might be surprised at what you hear....
Really, I thought 4 would be better. I'll give 3 a try. Thanks.

I also observed that moving them in different locations under the components also changes the sound.
I have found that for speakers they work better screwed into the speakers' threaded holes and Stillpoints cap down, but you have to be very careful to try to have the weight distributed as evenly as possible between the 4 Stillpoints (it won't happen automatically as it would with only 3). For components, though, it's not so clear; so far I have preferred cap ("pointy-head") up for those.
Thanks Rbbert, So far I am in agreement with you.

However, it does seem to me that they must have been designed with a certain direction in mind. Otherwise, why is one end different than the other?
So far no help from Stillpoints...