No dealer in Twin Cities sells PSB.
Nor would I sell a brand sold heavily on the internet .
If they did, I might right this second be listening to a pair of
PSB T-3’s as from the reviews they seem like the speaker I’ve always wanted, even though I know my Gallo’s do all that needs to be done .
So, if I go into a dealer more than once I always buy something, if only a used tuner or a 400$ cartridge as I know they are profitable .
Only right to do for someone that has saved me $7,000 on a speaker I’ve never heard .
Nor would I sell a brand sold heavily on the internet .
If they did, I might right this second be listening to a pair of
PSB T-3’s as from the reviews they seem like the speaker I’ve always wanted, even though I know my Gallo’s do all that needs to be done .
So, if I go into a dealer more than once I always buy something, if only a used tuner or a 400$ cartridge as I know they are profitable .
Only right to do for someone that has saved me $7,000 on a speaker I’ve never heard .