Streaming music sounds better late at night. Is this just me?

I listen to both analogue and digital. For digital, I stream from Qobuz or Tidal into my Lumin X1 streamer/DAC. I noticed that the sound quality from streaming seems to be better later at night (11 pm e.g.) whereas my analog sounds the same. I am thinking that streaming sounds better late night because public use of the internet is lower at that time. I have Comcast service and use their modem with direct ethernet connection into my Lumin X1. Am I imagining this or do other audiophiles also notice this?

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Steakster, thanks for the link. May be I should think about getting an LPS for my modem. That may be my weak link.

Steakster, thanks for the link. May be I should think about getting an LPS for my modem. That may be my weak link.

According to FCC website:

“Most AM radio stations are required by the FCC’s rules to reduce their power or cease operating at night in order to avoid interference to other AM stations.  FCC rules governing the daytime and nighttime operation of AM radio stations are a consequence of the laws of physics.  Because of the way in which the relatively long wavelengths of AM radio signals interact with the ionized layers of the ionosphere miles above the earth’s surface, the propagation of AM radio waves changes drastically from daytime to nighttime.  This change in AM radio propagation occurs at sunset due to radical shifts in the ionospheric layers, which persist throughout the night.”



I don't know much about the ionosphere, but are you saying that the SQ improves at night because of the radical shifts in the ionospheric layers rather than the reduced stress on the power grid?