Forgot to add, the Totems are driven by a PS Audio Sprout100. I don't have a separate preamp because there is one built into the LP120.
Those tables and phono stages were recommended to me by my local dealer based on my budget and listening style and preferences. Especially on the phonostage, I wanted a good SS, since I have never dabled in tubes and want to start at this time. In particular the P6 is compelling because it seems to have the reputation for plug-and-play. I'm leaning toward the P6 just because I'm not sure the extra money is worth it for the Feickert, but I wanted to consider my options if I wanted to spend more.
In general, I dislike thinking of these things in terms of budget. It's hard to compare $1500 turntables when price is determined by so many variables, including import taxes. So I was looking for tables that represented a good "value" in various price brackets and these two stuck out to me.