I've been tearing apart / repairing a lot of drivers for other folks lately. Most of these drivers were thought to be on their last leg and beyond reasonable repair. After careful inspection, i've found that many manufacturers are not using strong enough adhesives to secure the dustcaps to the cones and / or the spider to the voice coil former. Either of these can produce the sounds that you describe. If not taken care of when first noticed, either of these will lead to an early demise of the driver itself and poorer performance on the way to the grave.
Both of these pieces are subjected to high levels of physical force AND thermal stress. My guess is that the adhesives being used aren't up to the task at hand and / or they simply aren't using enough adhesive to begin with. By simply applying fresh adhesive in reasonable quantity, all of these drivers have not only survived, but improved sonically.
As is usual, it is much cheaper to repair a problem than have to replace the entire unit, so take care of your specific situation before it gets worse. Sean