Subwoofer with Thiel 2.4s?

Hi all, I'm in the process of building a new system and am considering adding a sub to my Thiel system. I'd love to get one of the Smart Subs, but they're just too damn expensive to fit into the budget. Any opinions on the other alternatives? Although I do use the system for TV and occasional movies, I'm really only interested in 2 channel.

I've read good things about the REL Strata III, but would like to hear other's opinions on the available < $1000 (used) options.
Just received a pair of SVS SB2000 subs to integrate with my 2.4s. My plan is to have the 2.4s well into the room and have the subs located in the same plane just inside the mains. Because I will hook them up so that the preamp will line L and R into each sub, which will fixed cross the line outs to the monoblocks at 80 Hz (12 dB per octave drop, and which will now be working less hard), it will be interesting to see where the ideal crossover adjustment betwen 50 Hz (the lowest point on the subs) and 80 Hz for the subs will land. My guess is somewhere in the 50-60 Hz range. I’ll let you know how they work out.
Initial results are nothing short of impressive! The clarity of low bass is equaled only by Vandersteen Quattro and 5A models I have heard several times in friend’s systems. These subs play very clear notes with proper texture and speed during rapid passages while blending well with the Thiels. I will continue to fine tune them but with the crossover on the subs set around 60-63 Hz, I can hear all the upper bass notes clearly without suckout, and with appropriate attack and decay. When the subterranean notes hit, they are not louder or softer than those higher in pitch but they are certainly felt as well as heard. Volume is set about half way. I can’t say enough about the clarity and texture of deep bass notes; they integrate very well in my set up. Stay tuned for more as I fine tune and they break in. One of the best bargains in modern subs. I am happy I went with the sealed version; they sacrifice maybe a couple of Hz (19 vs. 17 for ported) but the speed, timbre and smaller footprint are worth it. Plus, 45 day in home money back if you don’t like them, well, what’s not to like?
Right On! stevecham-
The CS 2.4 will certainly play low in the Bass region without drawing attention to itself. The passive radiator does more than most think.

I look forward in reading more about your thoughts/impressions as you massage those subs into your room / system. Keep writing.
Happy Listening!