Suggestion for preamp - Spendor's & Cary

I have moved from an integrated amp (Creek 5350 SE and/or modified Scott 299B) to separates. I purchased a Cary CAD 808 (Rocket 88) and need some help with choosing a pre-amp. Speakers are Spendor SP 9/1’s. I am presently using a borrowed Luxman tube pre-amp (I have to give that back) I like the Luxman but don’t have anything to compare it to. I find I sometimes push the volume pretty far. I listen to everything but mostly folk, rock, acoustic blues. I like acoustic guitar music with simple arrangements and I like to occasionally get the blood stirring with something that really jumps.

I love the detail and soundstage I have heard from tubes but don’t feel as though I have realized the capabilities of the large Spendors with their 12” drivers. Spendors are 90db efficient.

Price range about $1,000.00 or less.

Thanks in advance for thoughtful comments and advice.
You think you haven't realized the capabilities of the Spendor's. In exactly what regard?

If you are happy with the detail and soundstage you now have then what else exists other the power? Do you listen at high volume?

FWIW Cary tube amps, if they err they probably err on the warm side of the spectrum. I had initially thought you might find this so and want a tubed pre-amp with a more crisp tone to compensate. Perhaps you just need a more powerfull amp, tube or SS, OR the Spendors just don't have a bass capabilities you thought. They might not be the latest word in eithr depth or tightness.

If you're looking for 'power' you'll not find it in a pre-amp. If you're looking to tighten up the bass and more crisp sound all around there are some good possibilities in your price range.

Thanks for your thoughts Newbee,

I normally listen at a moderate volume but occasionally listen loud. With the combination I am using (Cary & Luxman - both tubed) I turn the volume up 3/4 of the way. (for loud) I'm just not used to that. I think I can adjust.

Otherwise your assessment is well put. "tighten up the bass and more crisp sound" without losing detail and soundstage.

Suggestions are welcome. Tube or SS.


I don't think the Cary your using is going to do the trick if your looking for gut wrenching bass, or if you want to tun it up and have the music blow your hair back. Your only pumping 40 watts into those big Spendors. But if you like the amp then I would look for either a ss pre or a pre that employees a 6922 tube.

I'm not a SS guy so I'll pass on recomendations of SS pre-amps. I would though if looking for one myself, look at vintage Threshold pre-amps like the FET10Hi. I have emmense respect for product from the original Threshold company run by Nelson Pass, especially his SA series amps of which the FET10 was the accompaning pre-amp. I've seen it appear on A'Gon from time to time for $750 +/-. It could be a great buy for you.

ARC makes fine tube pre amps, very well constructed and they provide outstanding service if needed. They have a house sound which most folks would consider cool in tone, and some consider some models 'bright'. But they are available used in your price range - just do a lot of research befor you commit. Most models have used 6922's but the latest SP16's, I think, use 12AX7's. Don't let youself let the tube type dictate your decision, at least with ARC. One of the benefits of any 12AX7 based pre-amp is there are a lot more tube rolling possibilities using either new production or NOS tubes. 6922's are a bit more difficult and the great ones can get a bit pricy.

Also consider pre-amps by VTL and Manley if you can find any in your price range. The are also well known for their more 'modern' tube sound.

If you venturesome there are a number of Chinese pre-amps that sonically could fit your needs but be wary unless you can asssure your self that you can get service if it becomes necessary.

Belles 21A pre while tubed, is very detailed, fast and extended while retaining those other tube characteristics. I use it with my Cary/AES Six Pac tube monos. Look for the review of the 21A on the web.