I will second Albert's suggestion of the Time Out '45. Very nice, indeed. I will also disassociate myself from the "production" camp - basically because I don't have a clue what they mean. I happen to think that a majority of the 45's sound incredible - why would I want to avoid that? The only drawback I can see is the one Mknowles speaks to regarding the "story telling" on an LP. Sometimes that just can't be broken up - shhhh CD lovers will hear us! :-)
Even a good number of the older '45's - singles from other LP's and some going way back that were produced only as singles - sound pretty damn good, providing you can find them in decent shape.
Even a good number of the older '45's - singles from other LP's and some going way back that were produced only as singles - sound pretty damn good, providing you can find them in decent shape.