Suggestions for a DAC/Streamer to replace BlueOS Node Streamer

First of all I’m not a “hifi nut” and not looking to replace any other gear, cables, power supplies, conditioners etc. Music is just one hobby. I stream Apple music via Apple play; that’s it (replaced Quboz with Apple for several reasons). My 2 channel gear is the said Node, an MC2700, an MC462 and a pair of BW 801D4. I have a CD collection that was ripped and resides on an SSD drive connected to the Node. A rarely used source. I have a Magnum Dynlab FM tuner for the occasional radio listening so don’t need a digital radio signal. I don’t use headphones. There seem to be “good/great/fantastic” DACs out anywhere from ~ $500 to 5K+. Seems like I’d benefit from replacing the NODE with something complementary to my existing gear to improve the sound presented to my ears. I’d appreciate some suggestions. 



@sgnevling Well well well! Thank you for that pointer!  Looks like I am already doing what seems best with what I have. I have an optical out from the Node into the C2700 DA2.  According to the BlueOS website this bypasses the Node DAC. I am very pleased with what I hear with what’s on my USB connected to the Node. 

I guess I should cancel my Cambridge Order as the Node app suits my current needs and I’m only using it as a streamer? 

@toro3 I will try Tidal. Thanks for the suggestion.




I upgraded from node to Cambridge Cxn v2. I only use the streamer portion to mainly stream tidal. The soundstage and holographic effect of Cambridge made a huge difference. I've seen reviews on new Cambridge 100 that says it's better sounding than the one I have. 

@sgnevling I dumped Apple Music and switched to Tidal. My library is pretty small and missing about 20 songs on Tidal. No biggie; I’ll buy those individually and put them on my drive. I contacted McIntosh and tech support said to use the USB in to the C2700 DAC. My Node 2i does not have USB out but some songs are playing at 96KHz while most are 44.1.