A couple of us tried to help you avoid wasting your time and money, but I suppose sometimes you just have to discover things for yourself. First, driving good $8000 speakers with any part of a $1200 receiver is a mismatch and a mistake. Assuming the CI amps were broken in properly, what you likely found was the preamp section of the receiver limiting whatever benefits the amps may have provided.
IMO your best bet is to buy a good used integrated amp and incorporate it into your system as I described earlier. For example, there was a Hegel H300 for sale here recently that was in your price range. I'd bet a good pile of dough that would have produced a substantial improvement. Depending on your tastes you could also look at Ayre, Pass Labs, or Musical Fidelity integrateds among others that should also work. And if they don't you could likely resell them at little or maybe even no loss.
Not to complicate this further, but I don't recall seeing what you're using as a source so that may also be an issue.
Okay, that's all I got. If you want a qualified second opinion I saw this from the Enjoy the Music review of the Unifield 2:
Mr. Von Schweikert stated from the very first that he and his staff were very people centered and that they are committed to provide advice and guidance to their customers. The instruction manual has a paragraph titled Factory Help. "If you do not achieve "goose bumps when listening then you have not found their full potential please call us for help. Customer Service phone number, 951-696-3662.
As always, best of luck in your quest. You'll get there.