Suggestions on a balanced preamp?

My electronics are currently 60 feet from my speakers (as measured by speaker cable length). I was thinking of getting a balanced preamp (a Linn2250), sticking it between the speakers, and running balanced lines from the preamp->amp.

Currently I have an onkyo integrated home theater (fairly new, $1000ish retail, don't know which one) HD reciever with RCA out. I also have vandersteen quatros and linn preamp/amp with RCA connections. I was thinking of getting a preamp with RCA in and balanced outputs and running the HD reciever into an AUX input of the preamp and balanced from preamp to amp.

When playing CDs, I would just go CD->pre->amp and not include the HD receiver.

First, does all that sound reasonable?

Second, is there a reasonably priced (1-1.5k) preamp that would work, that includes a remote for volume? I suppose if it didn't include a remote, I could run the CD->HD receiver->pre->amp but that seems like it wouldn't be as optimal, especially because I have a cheapish integrated HD receiver. I figure the HD standards keep evolving so better to spend the money on quality amps/preamps that I keep forever.

Third, is there some collective wisdom that would steer me in a different direction?

Thanks for reading this far,

- Sprangle
You need a preamp with a good output to drive a long cable. I'd recommend pro gear - for example the DAC1 HDR. Most pro preamps will have a more powerful output stage than the consumer equivalents and are better able to handle the higher capacitance...
Post removed 
Keep in mind that the preamp you choose should have low output impedance, and the cabling you choose should have low capacitance (such as the Blue Jeans cables Bob suggested).

Balanced connections do not negate the possibility that high output impedance in combination with high cable capacitance (which is proportional to length) will roll off the upper treble. At least some of the BAT preamps, and some of the Pass Labs preamps, have worrisomely high output impedances in that respect (e.g. 750 to 1000 ohms). The Ayre should be fine, as should the Benchmark for at least some of its output attenuator settings.

-- Al
You might be able to find an ARC Ref 1 line stage which, IIRC, had the lowest output impedence of any ARC preamp. Very high sound and build quality with bal/se capability and (if you're lucky) a manageable price tag on the used market.

Good Luck


Al - "worrisomely"? Cool word, but at least one too many syllables for daily use.
"worrisomely"? Cool word, but at least one too many syllables for daily use.
Yeah, guess you're right. But it saved me the trouble of calculating the numbers more precisely. :)

-- Al