suitable tonearm for audio technica AT-150mlx

I'm getting a bit confused about arm compatibilty/cartridge compliance etc. I have a relatively high compliance Audio Technica AT-150mlx and wonder if my Origin Live Encounter MK3c (latest version) with an effective mass of around 12.5g would be suitable or do I risk damaging the cartridge? I also have an OL Conqueror MK3c with a higher mass of around 14g that I would like to try out with the cartridge. Also is it just a question of mass or also quality of bearings? - obviously the bearings on the Origin Live arms are excellent. Thanks in advance.
IMHO option, either arm will work very well with that cartridge. I've used my AT150MLX on a Rega RB600, Audioquest PT9 and a Zeta(van den Hul) all with excellent results.
12-23-11: Audiofeil
The AT-150MLX is not a relatively high compliance cartridge.
You are correct, sir. The AT150MLX has a dynamic compliance rating of (x 10-6 cm/dyne, 100 Hz): 10.0. The Ortofon 2M series is about a 20, the Grados a 25 and the Shure M97xE a 30.

The AT150MLX makes for a 10.89 Hz resonance on a 12.5g arm, which is close to ideal; on the 14g arm the resonance drops to 10.53 Hz which is theoretically better, but probably insignificant. I'm using a Technics SL1210 arm with an AT150MLX mounted on a 14g (or thereabouts) headshell making for a total effective mass of about 18.5g (plus the 8.3g cartridge) and the resonant peak is also a near-ideal 9.62 Hz. So as you can see, with 10 Hz being the ideal resonant peak, the AT150MLX comes very close to that with a tonearm whose effective mass ranges from 12 to 19 g.