Sunfire Preamp Tubes


I've owned a Sunfire Classic Vacuum Tube Pre-Amp for several years.  A couple years back one of the tubes needed to be replaced so, I replaced all three with the most available low quality tubes I could find. Now, I would like to find what "better" than average tubes bring to the table. At this point however, I am not interested in taking out a loan for 1960's vintage tubes, but if I can find something better than stock to start, I am happy to broaden my horizons! Any suggestions and or thoughts?




Pre-Amp- Sunfire Classic Vacuum Tube Pre-Amp

Amps-      Carver M-1.0t bridged x 2

Sub-         Sunfire Sunfire True Subwoofer Super Junior



Hi Allen. I'm going thru the same thing at the moment with my sunfire vaccuum tube.  Had one channel develop a hiss and pop / crackle for the first time since 2005. Been using this pre amp daily since buying it new that year. Wondering if you went any further with upgrades?


I feel you pain! In my case, what I have learned, the popping sound can be caused, more often, in the power supply of the amp rapidly discharging when the power is switched off, especially if the preamp is turned off first followed by the amp. The rule of thumb I follow, preamp on first followed by the amp(s) and the amp(s) off first followed by the preamp. Also for the preamp, I upgraded the tubes to Mullard CV 4004/12AX7's, they really made an appreciable difference, all three, about $85.

Secondly, capacitors going bad can also cause this to happen and in that case it doesn't really matter what is turned on when. I have two Carver amps and both suffered from the failing capacitors at different times, about five years apart. The second one is going in next week to resolve the capacitors. 

As to the hiss, in my case, after way too much investigation, testing, and consultation with a variety of people smarter than I, and my repair guy, I purchased an $8 noise gate from Amazon, no more noise. What I kept comping back to was dirty power. I live in a condo and all of the wiring has a lot of noise.

Not sure where you are but there are only three places I would send my equipment, in order of preference. I hope this helps, let us know what you decide and how it works out!,, and
