Suspended cables

Hi folks,

Still a bit of a newbie here.

I have gained an understanding of the reasoning behind keeping speaker cables off the floor.

So ...,

Each of my mains have a 1.5 meter cable connected to it’s own monoblock. The monoblocks sit 26" above the floor and nearly level with the speaker terminals. Speaker to monoblock distance allow the cables to be suspended completely from the floor in a loosely hanging arc (about 8" above the floor).

Is this better than using cable risers? 
Are there any reasons not to do this? Stress on connectors? Bad for cables?

Thanks all!


My suspicion is that if the cable jacketing is susceptible to static electricity (and the carpeting is too), then yes, risers are important.

That said, WireWorld jacketing accounts for this, consequently, it does not need risers

>>>>>How do they account for vibration?
You need to run monofilament from hooks in the ceiling to relieve the stress.
@geoffkait - Thanks! That answers my question!
@twoleftears  - Great tip! Simple! Inexpensive!

Problem solved!  Already have a few plant hanging ceiling hooks in place.Will grab some monofilament.

Thanks everyone!
I love it when a member conducts an experiment, hears no difference and declares it B.S. This would assume a series of universals that dont exist in this hobby. 
-1969 we put man on the moon
-1989 first B-2 stealth bomber flight
-M.R.I, CT scan, Ultrasound, and now "wire risers"
Why not some believe one size fits all...
Definition of ignorance..Lack of knowledge or information.
If our ignorance is infinite the only possible course of action is to muddle through and/or waste your money on pseudoscience.