Suspended vs. nonsuspended TT?

I have the been looking at both used VPI TNT and Aries 'tables and Nottingham as well. I am interested in a system with great bass extension. My system is in a second floor den with suspended wooden floors. The TNT would be on a VPI stand, the others likely on a Target or homemade maple stand with some type of MDF/sand and/or air suspension device utilized.

Any suggestions on whether to go suspended or nonsuspended?


Sayas, the Rega is a fine table as used one recently in Austin at the Texas Audio Society meeting with one of our preamps and wires.....Active air suspension is fine, but your TNT merely uses air springs with no correction. Think I would rather have a Rega on a Machina Dynamica Nimbus active air base than the TNT.....See for the Nimbus base as well as what I use here at CTC Builders under installations of note......
haven't heard the rega with the goo you describe...i am sure it sounds wonderful. my point was and still is that a rega table has very little to seperate it from vibrations and consequnelty it has very poor bass response, less air than many tables and consequently less resolution. Too much outside vibrations getting into the play back is my experience. i have owned a number of rega 3's ranging from luster arms to rb300's in 50 and 60 hz motors, different colors, with and without dust covers with grace f9e's, f9rubies, koetsu rosewood and i can't remember what else. additionally, one wall mount attempt, been on cement floors, wood floors, cement walls, wood walls, drywall with metal studs and wood studs.

one set up did a particularily good job of resolution and it was a lustre arm on an older table with a koetsu rosewood in a cement room using the long wall with monitors on stands. that was the best and it still didn't give up the resolution of other tables i have listened to playing music.

if i ever get the opportunity i would like to listen to a isolation table like you are describing. i know that there are some tables designed for neutron microscopes that could do a very good job of isolation. maybe spending a few grand on something like that will get a rega floating some sound and providing more resolution than the average rig in the real world.
Sayas, the Rega isn't quite like my Rockport, but using it with the $900 Machina Dynamica Nimbus active air base makes for a heck of a bargain....The Rega I heard in Austin sure didn't look like much, but on a wall shelf it was very very musical....I was so impressed that I am planning on buying one to use at the CES this next January as we'll be sharing with Parasound, Greybeard, ACME Audio and Machina Dynamica....I won't drag 550 pounds of Rockport to the show and the Nimbus air base under the Rega will allow more information through.....Ten years ago just after I bought the Rockport I bought one of those Radio Shack portable CD players and found that it sounded so much better when placed on the Rockport with the active air suspension working....There was so much more low level detail....I recall telling Andy Payor of Rockport this and he said it must be hard to change CDs with the player spinning around on the platter :-) There is nothing like an active air suspension in retrieving low level information....I asked Geoff Kait of Machina Dynamica to join us in our room in 2001 and he said I would like the Nimbus under my transport and I was so impressed I took it home after the show....Looks more than strange with the gravity servo being barbell weights, but it works.....Guess I was a little hard on your table, but was delivered an Aries with a bad bearing for the CES in 1999....You weren't very nice to the Rega either I suppose......

Bob Crump
TG Audio/CTC Builders/DDR Mfg
I find the direction this thread is going,to be ridiculous. How can anyone compare a $300-$600 Rega to these Rockports, Clearaudios,TNT's, etc? The Rega is a very good table in it's price category. They are not competition to Rockport or TNT in any way, including price. They are totally different market targets. If you want to discuss suspension vs non-supension, then pick two tables at a similar price range. What's next, NAD receiver vs Tenor OTL?