SUT for Lyra Clavis Evolve 99

0.4 mV output, 3.3 ohms internal impedance.
Recommended SUT load per Lyra < 10 ohms.
Tried 3440 Cinemag with 1:16 too much output
Tried Cotter Mk2L too much output.
BUT, all SUTs specified with lower gain are designed for low output cartridges and the Lyra is a medium output.
What to do?
Any Evolve users out there?
Thank you in advance for your input
Sorry I shuld've said all SUT's specified with lower IMPEDANCE are designed for low output voltage cartridges(the low impedance sut's higher gain charaacteristic is appropiate with these)and the Lyra is a medium output cartridge therefore the volume dial is close to no gain when I use the transformers with low impedance otherwise it will be too loud.
I use an Air Tight ATC-1 preamp's phono section specified for mm cartridges, I am not sure of the gain at the phono stage
The Air Tight ATC-1 preamp doesn't offer any adjustment in the phono stage loading or capacitance. I have read of people changing the 47 kohm resistor in other preamps assuming that the ATC-1 has one which I bet it does, but I have never played with these things.
I don't know the price of the Nagra equipment but I guess I am more into buying a SUT for cost savings. I have a perception of Nagra being expensive equipment.
Using the Clearaudio Stradivari with the 40 ohms tap (10x voltage) seems perfect "on paper" as Flyfish2002 explains it but as he says it is going to be difficult to find a transformer for the Lyra. The problem is the volume pot of the preamp has to be SO LOW it is not nice with the transformers with high gain/low impedance. I would like to get close to the cartridge impedance with the SUT impedance as Lyra recommends it (below 10 ohms).
I think the rest of the explanation of the MC-4 is interesting perhaps it is the solution, if a bit too expensive. Thnak you