Swiss Digital FUSE BOX Question Thread

Good Day

Over the last several weeks I have been receiving questions daily about the Swiss Digital Fuse Box

I have asked permission to post this thread.

Questions, needs, comments etc. – feel free to post here

I’m hopeful that by starting this thread those interested can get their questions answered.

Thanks – Mark


I am open to many tweaks that require an open mind and when people were mentioning Sluggo's were directional I thought how could a solid piece of metal be directional.  So I gave it a go comparing Sluggo's (silver, copper graphene with many hours)in different directions. I could not hear a difference on my system. If others are able to hear a difference great for them and enjoy.  It will be interesting to see what Mark and his team experience on their testing.


Good Evening

Thanks to all of you for your amazing support of the Swiss Digital Fuse Box. I can share with all of you that Fuse Box MAX has started strong and Review Requests are at an all-time high. Good news…


On the subject of Sluggos and their Directionality (or Not) most of us feel that the Graphene version is NOT directional. The Graphene is Vacuum Deposited and as such… none of us can detect a difference

Same for Super Sluggo (High Purity Copper with God Immersion) – we cannot detect a difference in these as well…


THEN… the High Purity Copper I have to back track a bit and admit I was wrong. I DO hear a difference when flipped. Ugh… 😊

That’s what I can tell you now. Graphene is by far my favorite Sluggo as I get that AMAZING Clarity Difference WITH the Organic nicely blended in. It still amazes me.

YMMV – but I am Graphene all the way. We did our best to make them affordable and with the 25% off coupon still in play (Code Happy Thanksgiving) they are more affordable than ever.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Holiday Season

Best wishes – Mark


Wanted to comment quickly that we do purchased "Extruded" Bar Stock that we then carefully mill to size. We are even doing that dreaded UK required 6 x 25mm necessary for UK Socketry.  Gotta love the UK. My first wife was an Ipswich Girl.  

"one piece" is accurate given the Milling necessary...

As always - Thanks 


PS - I will try to post more during The Season, as we have some pretty nifty stuff coming. 


So, keeping in the spirit of being a possessed, tweaker, audiophile I just reversed the direction of the Graphene fuses in my mono block amps.
