Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...

I've criticized Denny plenty, and think he's me out Ted! Post pandemic of course.

Ted Denny comes across to me as either a real estate or used car salesman, he should have put someone more sincere in his place, like his mother.

Cheers George
perki, my point was that you have not conducted a proper assessment, and do not have a global understanding of cables, if you have not used them as a set, and you have far less understanding of what they do if you have used them in only one rig, with one set of gear. I explained how variances in equipment and preferences affect results, and how I an intentionally make such things happen by mixing particular cables. 

Tweaks are different; they either work or do not. Of course SR would promote them to be used with their cables as a purported improvement. that is not surprising. Is the claim made by SR that these only work with their cables? If so, then I would like to see that claim. I do not think that claim is being made; I believe they sell cable risers, footers, etc. to everyone. 

If SR sells their tweak products to people who do not own SR cables, then they do not abide hard line with the idea that synergy is everything. Also, IF the products work, they may theoretically work in a superior fashion with other products. Simply because they were designed to work with SR products in no way means they could not yield superior results with other products - if they are efficacious. If the claim is that these tweak products must be used only with SR cables, then I question why they would be sold to others with different cables, and would question whether they are outright gimmicks. Of course, a nifty way to sell these products is to suggest that synergy will only occur if used with SR cables. 

My question then would be, quantify synergy. Demonstrate the variances with your product in use of the tweaks as superior to use with other cables. By demonstrate, I mean show me with measurements. My comparison/testing is simply a pass fail, which can be done as I propose. If SR's argument is about "synergy", then I require evidence that the result is actually superior to use of the tweaks with other cables. A higher standard of proof is required for a claim of "synergy" versus operability. 

I am interested in actual demonstrations/informal testing/comparisons of not only SR's tweaks, but ALL tweaks. I am not out to prove or disprove one company's products, but an entire class of products. I seek methods that actually work and are advantageous in system building, and I use products to show which work and which do not (or do so little as to be a waste of time and money). 

I did not request fuses for a couple reasons; 1. I already vetted fuses in comparison/informal testing with other brands - and they passed the Law of Efficacy, and 2. I now have as reference the Legacy Audio i.V4 Ultra Amplifiers (pair; at times I use up to 8 channels of amplification with certain speakers; a new speaker on its way to me at the end of the month will accommodate six channels, and the Legacy Audio Whisper DSW Clarity Edition and Legacy EXTREME XD Subwoofers require 8 channels). The i.V4 Ultra review is finished and submitted for editing and technical proofing. It should appear in the not too distant future. 

The i.V4 Ultra is a class D design - the community will want to keep their eyes open for that review! It's a momentous design and I make some bold predictions associated with it. The amp does not use traditional fuses, but has protective circuitry that resets, so fuses are no longer a necessary bother. I could test SR fuses in the Kinki Studio EX-M1+ Integrated Amp. 
+1 for Ted. If Audioholics declines the challenge they will lose credibility and if they take it which I doubt they will also lose credibility so either way it is a win for Synergistic Research.
You guys are horrible , I thought you guys ate cheese and crackers all day listening to whisper pop, you guys are bloodthirsty, Gene is a bit of a doosh maybe a barbarous relic , I always thought he was at least trying to be genuine , trying to take some of the guesswork out and Help people out , need guys like this don't we? Off with his Head!!!! Put up or shut up Gene. Were coming to foreclose on your new Audioholics Perverted Tech House of ill repute! Im off to the audioholics site to voice my opinion, I want to see some sport and eat cheese and crackers.