Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...



Back to the partial reviews again Doug? I keep reading how "Your Way’ is the right way. Is this another hook up and listen for a night or two and move the cables or product to another system?

Doug your way, is you way. That is all it is... I don’t think it’s a GREAT way or even a GOOD way to listen to equipment.

49 years of listening for a living, not for FUN, or because I was interested, BUT because it was how I put food on the table.

I learned there is a right way, the wrong way, your way and my way. BUT there is still only one correct way. You or I don’t have to do it either.

AS a professional listener and one that had to make 100K equipment repairs and all the time DOWN is paying 30-40k per day in liquidated damages. You better be able to HEAR the difference and make a good call on part. It is not a subjective thing at ALL.. you’re either taught by someone or you don’t learn the skill.

The same with critical listening and music..

SR has a money back policy. Why would a owner of a 12 million dollar a year company let a person review his product when in reality he KNOWS (not wonders, or is even deluded into thinking) ANYTHIG favorable would come out of it.. How could YOUR ideas of testing help (understand the word HELP) his company?

I admire one thing Doug, you got some HUGE BALLS... Brass I suspect. Your legs must be as big as my waist carrying those big ol sucker around.. :-)

"eg, to go into the room at Axpona and hear nothing is not all that surprising."

To go into the room at Axpona and hear what others do not is not all that surprising, either. Once you are trying to sell very expensive things to them. It is a skill, too.
OMG I went to that Gene creeps website, like when you turn over a rock, no wait rotten log, no wait dead animal in a swamp, every creepy slimy icky thing you need for a lifetime of nightmares, there they are. Wow. I mean, wow.