Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Blcube, I'm using the Precision Reference I/C now on PRE to AMP. Improvements over the Accelerator are: pin point accuracy of the soundstage, higher resolution and more layering, and improved treble accuracy. I'm trying Precision Reference speaker cables Thursday.

Audphile1, did you demo the Acoustic Reference speaker cable? It is much better than the Accelerator and cost the same as the Purist AA's you bought. Everything you found lacking in the Accelerator is present in the Acoustic Reference. It may be worth a demo with The Cable Company for you.
I've been posting this in the Gabriel Gold thread. Most think this is heresy, but my system sounds so good now that I see no need to change until I get around to upgrading my amp. I am using a SR Tesla in between my pre and my amp, and Gabriel Gold Revelations between my sources and the pre. The sound is pehnomenal. The GG's have quite a more robust extension in the frequency extremes and a richer tone, but the SR Teslas have better imaging. They seem to complement each other very well.
Which dealer in the Southeast region has the best demo / selection capability?
The Accelerators are very very good BUT...I'm planning on upgrading to:

Apex CDP to PRE
Precision Reference PRE to AMP
Precision Reference to speakers

These cables are nothing like I ever heard before. Here are some of my comments: very transparnt, quick & snappy, giant/deep soundstage, texture & layers, sounds 3-D & round, just enough black background, romantic midrange, super tight & detailed bass, treble very smooth & pleasing...exciting.

All the previous reviews were very accurate in this tread. Thank you everyone for replying. Enjoy the music, I know I will. ;-)
More information was added to the Synergistic Research web site about their new Tesla cables. Having demo just about all of them, I have to agree with their recommendations on mixing and matching.