Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
I see. Yes I think I know what you mean. Since the Galileo and getting half of the basik system installed it's really brought to light some weaknesses in my placement of things.

I was lazy setting the system up and measured speaker placement relative to the front and sidewalls instead of to the listening position. And they aren't really measured to exactness... then the toe in... well that I eyeballed.

I really need to remedy all that.... I also need better speaker cables and power conditioning lol. No cost fixes first I guess.
What do you think has better return on investment (assuming there is already acoustical panels in the listening room) A galileo mpc or the art basik system.
My response, Solda, is that I have not heard the Basiks. I think that your cabling might be the first thing to consider as the Galileos need cables to charge and the basic MPCs do a good job with the Tesla cables.
What SR cables would you be putting that Galileo MPC on?

BTW I've got an Acoustic ART Basik on order. It should be here by this weekend.
How did you guys get the Galileo MPC so quickly? I called The Cable Company and they do not even have demo's yet. I e-mailed Ted & Elliot with another request with no response. I assume they are busy with orders after RMAF. I will keep trying.

Solda, try some GIK panels to quiet your room. It works great in my room. I'm trying to get a demo of the Art system to compare.

What's so fun with the Synergistic products are all the combinations you can try. Everyone, keep trying new positions of your Synergistic products and report back. THANKS!