With the Accelerator speaker cables and the Accelerator ICs between my CDP and preamp, female vocals (my favorite music type) had a metallic sheen to them (grayness). Even on really well-recorded female vocals like the XRCD2 CD "Best Audiophile Voices II", there was that metallic sheen and the vocal crescendos were almost ear piercing at higher volumes. Same with Nora Jones, Holly Cole, Linda Ronstadt, Shelby Lynn, etc. However, the soundstaging and dynamics were good and the bass was fast and tight.
When I replaced the Accelerator speaker cables with Precision Reference, the metallic sheen (grayness) went away and the peakiness on crescendos was reduced, although female vocal crescendos still had a glare that made me wince.
Once I swapped the Accelerator from the CDP to preamp position to the preamp to amp position and put the Audioquest between the CDP and preamp, most of this glare was eliminated.
Finally, when I replaced the T2 on the CDP with a Hologram D and the AQ Niagara on the CDP to preamp position with the Apex, the glare disappeared entirely and many other things about the sound got way, way better too.
The Accelerator ICs are working very well for me now in the pre to amp position, with Apex ICs on the front end and Precision Reference speaker cables.
I hope this is helpful to you.
Good luck.