Synergistic R Hologram D powercord

I play a Wadia 861Se with a Tesla T3 powercord.
Audinet Pre G2 also T3
Audionet Mono's T3UHC
Interconnects are Stealth Indra( Wadia-pre) - SR Ac. Ref. ( pre-mono's)
Speaker cable is SR Ac. Ref. with the Galileo speaker Cells.
All SR cables powered by the Galileo MPC.

I am thinking about an upgrade for the Wadia to the SR Hologram D.
Anyone can tell me if it's worth the extra money?
What can I expect in compare with the T3 ?
There is plenty of info here in the forums on how the Hologram D is a stellar AC cable and will outrun the T3.

With your gear it is a no brainer.

Get rid of the Stealth Indra and become a SR full breed.
I am in the process of upgrading my T3 to Halogram D as well. Now I am just waiting for cable company to ship me the cable. Now is a good time as cable company is having sale on all of their SR power cords in stock.
Before this, I tried Stealth Dream digital PC on my Playback Design MPS-5 against T3. The sound is a bit different but really nothing that I missed when I switched back to T3. While I am not impressed with Stealth PC, their IC is a different story though. Never heard the Indra but Sakra is something else. At least in my system, Sakra still improves upon SR Apex/IC cells but at more than twice the price. Unfortunately SR has nothing in between Apex/IC cells and its Galileo IC system.
Ok, thx a lot guys , I will read the forums ( I'm new here )
I let you know the experience with the upgrade.
Further info always welcome !