Synergistic Research Black fuese

Who has tried the new Synergistic Research Black fuses?  How do they compare to the Reds?  If you are using the Blacks, do they live up to the hype? Thanks
Assuming these fuses do make a difference, I want to understand, why? Whats the technical explanation of what is happening? 

Think it's a faith based approach . That's all that matters . 

 +1 maplegrove

there is no good technical explanation. If it works for you and you hear a difference after 150 hours then go for it and enjoy.

Maplegrovemusic wrote,

"Think it’s a faith based approach . That’s all that matters.

If saying three Hail Marys will improve the sound I’m in. I'll even put up with a placebo or two as long as they improve the sound. 
what is your original value? I need T4A and T6.3A for my amp but can only find the next step up values are 5 and 8 instead of 4.5 and  7. Is it safe?

Thanks for your question. I cannot recall the individual ratings at the moment but I had no problem going 1 or 2 steps higher where needed. I would only buy from Highend Electronics as Alfred was kind enough to replace a blown fuse if it failed upon turn on. I have found that the most sensitive fuse is the one usually near the power cord. I have Odyssey mono amps and each amp contains 5 fuses. The only fuse that had to be increased on the Kismets was the fuse in the back of the amp. I also had to increase the fuse rating on an old Audio Research 6Bpreamp for the same reason. In all cases the results have been remarkable. I also installed SR Blacks in an AR Ref 2 and a Manley phono preamp. Best tweaks ever. Good luck!