With the tight economy it is very important for me and others to get the best possible value for our audio dollars. Searching for the best deals on the after market is essential. Finding products that can substitute for more expensive products is very important to me.
For example, I have found that a $300 Bybee AC Purifier on the after market can often equal or exceed the performance of an expensive Synergistic Research power cord that may retail for $1800 to $2800. You have to keep an eye out for Bybee products because they don't come up very often, but they do come up a few times a year. I have accumulated upwards of 20 Bybee products -- all bought on the after market. They are the best bang for my audio dollars that I have ever found.
I have also found that HiDiamond cables will exceed the performance of Synergistic Research cables -- and at a fraction of the cost. These are the kinds of products -- Bybee and HiDiamond -- that I look out for in this economy. I would not have an audio system without them.
With the tight economy it is very important for me and others to get the best possible value for our audio dollars. Searching for the best deals on the after market is essential. Finding products that can substitute for more expensive products is very important to me.
For example, I have found that a $300 Bybee AC Purifier on the after market can often equal or exceed the performance of an expensive Synergistic Research power cord that may retail for $1800 to $2800. You have to keep an eye out for Bybee products because they don't come up very often, but they do come up a few times a year. I have accumulated upwards of 20 Bybee products -- all bought on the after market. They are the best bang for my audio dollars that I have ever found.
I have also found that HiDiamond cables will exceed the performance of Synergistic Research cables -- and at a fraction of the cost. These are the kinds of products -- Bybee and HiDiamond -- that I look out for in this economy. I would not have an audio system without them.