Ozzy, nice stuff! My friend and I experimented with the HFT's on his system. They were very effective once several packs were used. With just one pack, the height of the soundstage (or stage position) went up too high. Voices kind of on top of you. Tone shifted towards the highs. With many packs around the room they did expand soundstage and provide higher resolution and I think tone went back to normal. Results will vary, room to room, system to system. I'm reluctant to try HFT's with the tall Magnepans. I don't think they improved tonal qualities, so it's interesting that yours do that! Copper is likely a better material. The AM kit is interesting, but still a bit of money for me. My friend also has the FEQ. All around amazing product, well worth the cost! To me it was similar to the effect of the aR2p-TO, in terms of resoltion, dynamics and soundstage. But the FEQ goes about this in a very relaxed way. My friend made his own plug in cable out of silver wire and an Oyaide 004 connector. I was shocked at the improvements. Even clearer, more soundstage/resolution/bass, no ill effects.
There's a damping product from a European company called the "Entreq Vibb Eater." Much like the HRS damping plates they are placed on top of a device. On the P10 it really helped all areas. The Vibb is a basically a leather pouch with several pounds of damping sand. It may have some EMI properties as well and pebbles, I'm not sure. The HRS plate was tremendously effective on top of my Oppo 105. It took the player to a whole new level, while somehow taking away much grain and harshness at the same time. I bought one more plate, but have yet to try if a second will add further improvements. For the money, I haven't come across such an easy effective tweak (aside from HighEnd CC's 75ohm terminator, best $20 bucks ever spent). I haven't tried any damping material inside of my components yet. I was looking at the Fo.q stuff (but the HRS plates cost just a little more). I'll take a look at Herbies offering! After experimenting with the Acoustic Revive QR-8, I feel their's got to be an effective damping product for the audience aR2p-TO. I'm also looking for a way to dampen all my Oyaide 079 connectors.
The SR Red's are a bit pricey but I'm considering buying. Unfortunately, I can't find what they actually changed. I did find out that it should sound similar to the SR20 with an increase in resolution and lower noise floor. I looked closely at the pictures and it appears the end caps are the same. So changes are likely inside the fuse. I wonder if SR added damping filler like Furutech... Has anyone tried one of these yet?