Well, I guess I have 60 + hours on the SA Ranger Master's now, and they are settling in nicely. Initially they were a little on the bright side, but run in has tamed this. They sound much bigger than their physical dimensions and are really transparent. My mate was over recently and did a blind test. He thought they were either a ribbon or a stat. He was staggered at how good they are and how cheap I got them.
I would say they are a very good "Rock n Roll" Speaker. Melvin's Houdini sounds massive on them. Veruca Salt's sublime American Thighs rocks like a motherfarker, although Tinderstick's S/T is reproduced impressively as well.
Currently running them with Vincent SP-T700 Mono's, very nice, think I prefer the big 998 Mono's with them.
All in all very happy with the Ranger Master's.
Hmm, wondering how good SA's TOTL Pandion 50's are? Might check them out soon!