TAD Speakers

Just curious, is anyone out there using TAD Speakers? If so, what version, and could we get some impressions/opinions?

Thank you!



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@wretnuh2 Congratulations on your TAD acquisition! May I ask you which electronics you'll be pairing with them?  (Nice name, BTW.  Backwards "hunter").

Due to space/WAF/heat issues, and a great listen to a friend’s system, I’m getting a Bel Canto Black EX amp.  I still use the system for movies about 20% off the time, and have a growing guilty pleasure for some Dolby Atmos mixes. So starting out with an Anthem AVM 90 for processing.  If there’s any 2 channel concerns I’d then add a different pre and/or a stand alone DAC.  Any wisdom on this strategy is welcome.


Giantsalami, everything I’ve read says the sonic signature of the ME1 and CE1 is very very close, and tuned with a great sub it’s even closer.  I’m jealous of the time you’ve had with the ME1. So much fun!