Hi Inna, you said
"I read about some people in Swiss Alps, near the border with Italy, who make great violins. One of them at particular time of the year chooses the day and a few spruce trees to fell. He selects those trees, who knows how, but he doesn't want to be wrong."
As HEA continues to evolve it's going to give way to "Premier Audio" (the more creative side of the hobby). It's the difference between Dollars & Sense. High End Audio is about money whereas Premier Audio is about position of importance.
The more premier part of the audiophile hobby is about Tuning, exactly like a musical instrument. A finely designed and tunable system will out perform a big dollar system any day of the week. Wood and other materials are of course the major contributors of the greatest music in the world, history has proven this, so have I and others like me. Shun Mook is another very good example of this. There are a few companies that understand the development and tuning of resonances instead of killing them and that's the next chapter for the extreme listener. The hobby got way off balance and built themselves into a corner (I'm talking about high end), but during this time the R&D by some of us have moved closer to the musical instrument in our designs and thinking. Tune the energy as opposed to distorting it. Tuning is the opposite of distortion, that's important for the hobby to get itself around. Once it does hold on for the ride of your listening lives.
"The idea of writing a book, Michael, is I think a good one."
The book is in the making, but I am a very lazy writer. I'm more about pushing the hobby in the correct direction (musical instruments) then I am an editor. The newer reviews coming out on Tuning need to find the ears of folks first and then the promoting will follow.
One other thing that makes me lazy is, it's hard to get me out of the listening chair or working on other's systems. Making or watching a tunable system come together for someone is like a transformation for them. What they thought was important fades pretty fast after a couple tuning steps. It's even made some people angry after spending so much money (High End) to find that they didn't need to. That's a head spin for anyone who had bought into the expensive product scam. And that's what it comes down to, a method is more valuable then expensive gear worshipping.
The hobby is getting close to the realization and when it finally does happen HEA as we knew it will be archived.
Let me just add this too. Sometimes things have to die before the next chapter can start. High End Audio hit a wall in the mid 90's and it has taken this long (and continues to) for the money chasing part of this hobby to die. The hobby instead of going after the next logical step was more concerned about cashing in. All of us saw it happen but the magazines were so convincing that the hobbyist had to spend all their money on the HEA revolving sales door, that the audio closets grew till the hobbyist couldn't cram any more failed components in. The hobbyist went in a very weird direction and it became obvious for a lot of guys who didn't bite on the spending that something was up. All we have to do is ask folks here who stopped buying new after the mid 90's or even before and we would find that expensive audio went off on it's own glory trip, but only a few really followed. Anyway I could go on and will if asked, but the next audiophile movement (that actually started many years ago) will be more for the listener then the collector.
Michael Green