Tannoy-JBL question..

What would the Tannoy Monitor Gold 12"s have over lets say a JBL L-112...i know the fact that the Tannoy may have an inherent advantage somewhere due to its concentric design...Also considering that the JBL's are probably 1/3 to 1/4th the cost....
the L112's would be the way to go if they are in nice condition. the tannoys are not as friendly with pop and rock music.
S23Chang..your right on the money with the McIntosh MC40's, thats why I sold them awhile ago. Regarding the EV's, I do have some vintage Ainico McIntosh supertweeters coming to me(a friend built some special stands for them) to go on top of the EV's.. I also agree about the cabs (just havent found anyone to make them) I do have a pair of TL's that were designed for Lambda Acoustic subs, maybe i will try the EV's in them...

I now use only the Berning EA-230 triodes, which I absolutely love, and I havent listened to the AR preamp you mentioned, but the amp-preamp setup is working very well as it is.

maybe I will invest in some cabs for the EV's,,
Off the topic, here are some ideas for your EV 12TRXBs



I use them in the transmission line cab.