Tara Labs Quantum III speaker cables

Can anyone tell me anything about these speaker cables, when made, price/8' biwired pair, strengths and weaknesses, etc.?
I think my friend had a pair of the Quantum III. Are they blue/teal colored? If so they were made in the late 80s and sold for about $200. My memory may be off a little but this info is pretty close. They are a well rounded cable from what I recall - Tara has been on the mark most of the time.
I purchsed these cable some years back and really felt they improved my system which was comprised of all Adcom components and Energy Pro Monitor Speakers. I did not use them bi-wired but still have a 12 foot pair. I did and still used Tara Quantum III interconnects and have been very pleased. However, the RCA connections are getting lose for some reason. I am currently experiementing with DH Labs Silver Sonic Q-10 bi-wired speaker cables which replace my Tara RSC Prime bi-wired cables. I am trying the BL-1 Silver Sonic interconnects, as well, between my Arcam 73 CD Player and Adcom Preamp. They both sound fantastic- very open and detailed.
FWIW Tkyc, you might want to contact Tara about the loose ends. I had a similar problem with their Pandora IC (15years old) and emailed them they told me to send it in to be fixed for free. They even paid for shipping back to me. First class customer service IMO.