Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Agree with sk, spot on!
There are many places that sell these cables at considerable discounts, buyer beware.
My experience was polar opposite of what's said here,  I have a complete loom of all matching Zero Gold series,  including the power cable,  the original cobalt with oyaida termination's, I have the best bass I've ever experienced, deep detailed, transient speed, with slam, impact,  most of all,  realism., I'm saying,  you get  the complete loom of the balanced 0.3, and the new cobalt Reference a/c power cable's,  btw,  I've heard,  you will never have a lean sound,  on any system.
My 40 years experience is different but that's what makes this hobby so great we can agree to disagree! :-)
This is also with a variety of equipment. My amps alone consist of Atmasphere Novacron's , Merrill Veritas and Bricasti M28's.

(Dealer disclaimer)
I've heard SK's system on many occasions. It has always been very good IMO, but has evolved into something very special recently. I believe the current cable set includes Tara Labs, Audiomica Labs (which I also own), S.I.N. Audio and Pranawire.

The recent addition of a S.I.N. Audio power cord to SK's system made a very nice improvement - it's all about synergy.
Hi redhouse, I know Steve personally by phone and emails only,  never listed to his system,  however,  I'm saying,  with each addition of taralabs in my system towards a full loom the system was hugely better,  especially with the matching speaker cable's and power cord's, I know many that said a full loom of what I have,  if anything,  is to much big deep bass on their specific system,  btw, I've done business with Steven, and highly recommend him to everyone,  he sales good equipment like furutech and other's, btw,  Steven,  can you get synergistic black fuses? , email me about them if you can get them like you did my furutech gtx-rhodium outlet's.