Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 6 RCA Living Stereo SACD

I've ordered and returned three copies of this SACD/CD hybrid reissue from three different sources -- Acoustic Music, CDUniverse and ArkivMusic -- because each disc had the same manufacturer's defect. The CD layer contains the correct music, but the SACD layer contains some reggae-inspired pop music of unknown origin (at least, to me).

I have the other nine reissues in the first Living Stereo set, and have found a few references to the defective Tchaikovsky 6 disc on various online sites (, etc.), but can anyone tell me who might be offering the correct version of this disc?


09-22-08: Kr4
None of the Living Stereos are 5.1, in my experience. They are either 3.0/2.0 or just 2.0.

Kr4 (Threads | Answers)

when listening to Jamaican Symphony, it can be anything between 2 channel and 7.1 channel surround. All depends on the quality of grass.
You've all been uber-helpful, if not hilarious, but this problem is no joke. Here's what a reviewer on had to say about this disc:

"This SACD title has a major factory defect. The SACD layer is a different recording by a different artist in a completely different genre. In trying to contact BMG, the mother label, I received no response. The defect was the same on 2 separate discs. As for the CD layer, the sound and performance are superb. It is a shame not to be able to hear the improvements on the SACD layer. I have never encountered a blunder this bad from such a major label."

If anyone reading this thread actually knows where I might find a non-defective copy of this disc, I'd appreciate the lead.
Hello Beatnik,
I have the RCA Tchaikovsky 6th. My copy has the correct layer for SACD. However, mine also has a defect. When playing the SACD layer, it is prone to "freezing up". It just stops playing. And it happens at random points, so I can't dismiss it as a surface defect.
For what it's worth, I didn't think too much of the performance. The sound quality is great when it plays through correctly (which has happened once or twice).
If you'd like, e-mail me offline. I'll send mine to you for free. I've got better sounding versions of it on vinyl, and better performances on both vinyl and CD. And I wouldn't mind knowing if the disc plays correctly on someone else's player.
