Tchernov cables. Anyone knows anything about them?

I ran into them on youtube, they were used in Lamm/Wilson or Lamm/Kharma set-up, don't quite remember.
Now, Vladimir of Lamm and Lamm dealers would not use substandard cables. They sell in Europe and there is one distributor/dealer in Canada.
Yup, Jim is there in Ontario.
So I decided to keep the Classic MK II in any case. If the Reference MK II is much better I will keep it too, though by doing it I will use up all my upgrade allowance for the next year. In this case the Classic will go to the cd player that I don't play much. I compared it to the old Purist Maximus Ferox that I have used for years with the player and it was no contest. Already sold the Maximus actually.
Thanks! for the update- inna.
Tchernov cabling is slowly gaining traction in the marketplace. The competition is steep to say the very least. This is a very good thing for us "cable" guys.  You are correct, in that, different variations of Copper and mined Ore across the globe.
Looking forward in reading your review of the Reference MK II.

Happy Listening!
It will be here today. My ritual with new cables is to put them for a few hours right away on the source I intend to use them with to see how they sound brand new, phono stage in this case, then I move them to the cd player to burn in, 230 hours recommended but I will do 250. Then I will try them with the Nak deck and then move back to the phono. Yes, overall cables are getting better and there are many brands,
When I fired them up a few hours ago, among other things that I could easily identify right away there was something else, very nice, that I couldn't figure out immediately. So I thought - What's this ? Then it occured to me - distortion level is much lower than with the Classic, and the Classic was already pretty good in this respect. Not distortion in bass or tremble to which I pay no attention when the cables are brand new but distortion in the midrange.
I'll report back in couple of weeks. The cables are now on the cd player cooking in an slow orderly fashion.