I ove this speakers , on my set up they sound really very dynamic and easy to listen. Is there anyway to replace their tweeters to improve them? I do love the design of the impact.Thanks

i will join in the chorus of thanks for your excellent contribution below

to me, there is no doubt that tektons work well in some environments, for some tastes, and for those people, there is value as the speakers are not terribly expensive - erik sells plenty of speakers, and even with a decent return rate, there are certainly many many who keep them and enjoy them

there is also no doubt that mc is clearly quite experienced at this pursuit, and has made serious efforts to make his choice of gear work in his environment, to suit his tastes (springs, bass arrays etc etc) -- that been said, all of us here with experience, who have been at this for many years as well, with healthy budgets for gear and listening room have done the same... that our efforts can make us happy is the aim for each of us, and most of us succeed

i believe the reason for the intense blowback towards mc and thus tektons (and raven amps) is the heavy handed, over the top, greater than thou way he in his onscreen persona chooses to express his opinions about their vast superiority ... it is basic human nature to react to that, post after post, with some level of antipathy and many eye-rolls -- certainly compared to what the rest of us have accomplished in our systems, such claims are suspect, at best

if it is his aim to encourage others to try his favorite brands because he likes them so much, there are certainly more effective, more sophisticated, more persuausive approaches to garner influence...

What are you talkin about 10 or a canterbury's or movie way up the food chain from those ugly tekton garbage. 
A fine line indeed. Texas could use more diplomats.

Which $30 k Focal are you speaking of ? Are owners of same boasting of destroying million dollar Wilsons ? ( the factuality astute know that no such animal exist. ) Like it or not, Wilson do measure the cabinet, and listen. Remember, “ only two things….” ?

There is a big difference between “owners  enjoying Focal speakers “ and the self proclaimed sonic nirvana second coming.

And like @tvad  i have a question. How many running hours were on the cables you hauled there ? Do you think they were fully formed when listening ?

“ None can free us, save our own minds “ Bob Marley.

Are you free or is Einstein doing the thinking ?

@rixthetrick: I take it you live in Texas. Have you visited Danny Richie at his GR Research facility, located in Iowa Park? He welcomes visitors, and will demo his loudspeaker models for you. He sells his designs as kits (only), so they aren't for everyone. But you can at least hear what is possible at various price points.

And not to disparage Eric Alexander, but Danny considers loudspeaker enclosure resonance a very serious matter, his designs addressing it to a degree seen in few commercial plug-and-play offerings. Another designer who feels that way is Jim Salk (as did Albert Von Schweikert. Of course Wilson and Magico do, but you pay dearly for their approach.). Look at the bracing Salk employs in his speakers, the best I've ever seen. The enclosures he builds and into which installs Rythmik sub kits are insane, the best bracing I've ever seen. I copied it when I built my Rythmik subs; cross-braces every 4", front-to-back, left-to-right, and top-to-bottom.
havocman80 posts08-25-2021 8:46pm"What are you talkin about 10 or a canterbury's or movie way up the food chain from those ugly tekton garbage."

Drinking and posting is as bad as drinking and driving.