I ove this speakers , on my set up they sound really very dynamic and easy to listen. Is there anyway to replace their tweeters to improve them? I do love the design of the impact.Thanks
He was asked by me and others several times about their testing and said owner avoided responding but continue to try to throw his weight around..


I've seen a few speakers tested, HOW would you test them?

I can't see a way, at least with conventional methods. 

To measure the tweeter you would have to disconnect  the mid drivers and test on and off axis.

Then unhook the drivers for the tweeters and test mids on and off axis.

THERE is the stinker!! Where is the 15, 30, 45, & 60 degrees off axis microphone suppose to be placed, with that mid driver arrangement?

If we were to measure a Moab design, Bass on top, bass on bottom, that far apart, it would be a first without a concave (top to bottom) baffle design, to not be able to hear that, two separate drivers, They are WAY to far apart.

To achieve multi driver cohesion in the bass range, the drivers can only be so far apart.. A mid bass driver at the top and a bass driver at the bottom is even pushing the issue

The problem is, it will sound like TWO drivers vs one seamless combination, it will measure that way too.. 

So the question posed: is it a point source, a line source, MTM, BMTMB BMBMTMMBB (Ulfberht) or someone's dream?

I can say pretty confidently that conventional measuring techniques don't apply..

To put a finer point on it. Seated in the listening position is the only way to do any type of mic test.

I would venture to say it should sound fine.. And measure fine, just NOT with a conventional testing procedure.

Who made the rules to begin with?

I don't really care about the measurement as long as I (ME) can get the speaker to sound like ONE, sound producing unit, NOT a conglomeration of confusion. 

There are way to many sold for there to be a SQ issue. 

Being a non conventional design shouldn't rule out HIGH quality sound, how to measure it with typical tools and typical methods is the only issue I see. 


Where should we  buy from? One week I feel one way then
I flex back to the opposite. If China moves on Taiwan soon
I will be concerned about owning anything from China.

I traveled the Orient for business quite frequently in the 80's.
The Korean people were always the most fun. In every way.
This era in Seoul reminded me of the USA in the 60's.
The people all felt great things were ahead for them.
The Japanese and Chinese considered them inferior.

Okay other suggestions please: 

Best Value Line -LM Magnetic?

Best built line- Something from Japan-Accuphase? No one can compete
with the insane devotion 10,000 years of inbreeding has evolved.

Others will argue the Swiss but they are disqualified in my book as
I want to do business with allied not neutral friends. I won't go at the attitude issue.

Easiest Brand to get repaired- I will go with Pass Labs

Best country for Loudspeakers- UK, then Scans.

Best Resale Value- Now I'd say Vinshine's DACs. 

What's all this got to do with Tekton you say? Nothing and
I imagine most are pleased about that.

Do they feed you good ribs at any/all of the audio shows?
Shhh Chuck, don't mention your fabulous new (Polish designed, made in UK?) turntable.

@three_easy_payments - I understand the contention, however despite this, not all of your listed points are entirely accurate though. Some behavior could use modification, and I get my wife on my case over my own annoying behavior, sometimes I even recognise that she actually is correct.

However I will say that often, or more often than not, there are some real gems out there from the little guys, the not well known players.  And some really do stack up, in the World of performance, against the heavily advertised big names. Surely even you will concede that?

Horse dewormer with help can attempt to fix all that, with blood thinners to help with micro blood clots, I mean, if you can't get access to the made for human version.

Red blood cell Rouleaux, it's a crazy World.

Amazingly some of the highest level doctors are losing their minds to ridiculous, unfounded conspiracy theories that jeopardise their licenses, terrible the mental sickness obviously brought on by the pressures of this terrible global pandemic.

PRC are not the enemy, remember that please.

@chorus - rule out Italy too then?
As well as Austria, Andorra, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland (with Liechtenstein, as you mentioned),Nippon, and the Vatican?
Often the people owning businesses you'd deal with today, weren't either born or in any position to change government policy.

@oldhvymec - my guess is you'd have to measure it from some sort of standardised sweet spot, which is not possible, as it's going to be room dependent in that case. The Tektons I heard are a larger room solution, just like all loudspeakers are room volume ranged, specific designs.
The array is a species that's harder to categorise, enjoyment factor may just be the metric that needs to be measured on this beast.