Tell me if i got it wrong..

TUBE VS SS amps ..

the difference in sound is caused by the tubes interpolating values in between each signals to analog and makeing it sound more warm, more smooth where SS amps are precise and reploduce digital sound with too much accuracy and that could be harsh to listen to ?

is that the base of the difference between both ?
or am i completly wrong ?

tanxs :)
Will, if you want to say something, please just say it.

What do you mean?

What in these ideas is out of date? What do you disagree with? Please be specific, make cogent replies and offer REASONS. That is what dialogue is.

It is very easy to swoop in with some conclusory statement without providing support. That is psuedo-intellectualism.

The comments I made above were nearly a year ago. Why do you feel the need to come in now - with conclusory, unsupported statements - when this has been dead since then? In that context, I don't understand your motive. There are other threads where I've talked about many of these same ideas since last year and you have chosen, assumably, to never respond to those. So why now, and why here? This seems incongruent to me.

If you are going to insinuate that someone's ideas are irrelevant and they are a posturing intellectual, then please, have the courage to make an argument, rather than jumping out of the bushes a year later.
ahha wow ..what a comeback of an OLD OLD THREAD :p ahah
i log in after almost a year..and one of my thread is still active! lol :)

great inputs guys :)
will, if you want to post those websites you told me about here, that would be ok too.