Raul,I would like to make two points,to you.Firstly,with all of the arms,and cartridges you own do you really feel that confident that you have hit on ALL the "Exact" parameters of the "infinitesimal" combination variations,that yield "spot on" performance?I can't believe anyone, with that collection, can "dial in" perfect parameters,and then make "EXACTING" claims towards the vast combinations available to them all!!I mean this with total respect.I have friends that have been at the cusp of audio journalism (one active reviewer,one semi-active,and one retired(the retired one,a GURU to me),who was there at the beginning),and they take "light years" to get their one arm/cartridge set-up to operate at a perfect state(a perfect state to them,really HAS to be PERFECT,or they're miserable)!!Even HP needs a set-up man,and how many times have we read that he didn't realize something was amiss,months later.When I say light years,I mean that 6-12 months down the road,they may find a better voicing option.Multiply all this by your numerous collection(that I think is wonderful,BTW)and you can see why I ask this of you.There just doesn't seem to be enough time,in a lifetime,to get it all "definitively right"!!There's a huge difference between "good enough"(most people,and I have some friends that fall into this category),and "SPOT ON"(VERY TIME CONSUMING).I,also, like to leave time for actual listening!!How much fotzing around does one really want to do.Also,there's family,work,movies,exercise,socializing,rest etc.,etc!!One arm/cartridge combo(with the fanatical level I actually hold myself to)is enough for me,and takes me a "dog's" lifetime to feel that I got it right!!Actually,my friends have "forced" me into being this critical.To get any enthusiasm from them usually requirs a payoff!!Just kidding,but,you get the point.
This leads me to my next question,Raul.Why don't you start a dedicated audio magazine.I'm serious here!!I'm not trying to be disrespectful,at all!You obviously love all of this,so why not enlarge your hobby's perspective and maybe start a "dedicated to analog" print journal.The magazines I read(TAS,Stereophile,Hi-Fi plus)are not nearly as good as years ago,so why not fill the void.You seem to have the enthusiasm.Why not try to make a few dollars along the way?Best of luck!!