Teres 340, anyone heard / seen one in the flesh

One of my last turntable upgrades might be to this beautiful beast.

What is the verdict of those that have listened to it?.

Is this a lifetime purchase. Or is there room for improvement?. (like any of us will ever end our neurotic quest for the holy audio grail)
Hi all
I was one of the privileged ones who got a chance to listen to
Larrys (courtesy Chris Brady) great TERES 340-2. This
is, by far, the most beautiful table I have seen. All the contours melded gracefully to create a rather compact image
for a rather big table. I have done a little bit of
wood-working in the past, so I now I am drawn to great
finishes-- and this is as good as it gets. By comparison
the finish on the wood of the Sonus Faber Extrema speakers in the system(centuries of Italian craftmenship from one of the most celebrated
towns ) was not close. I nominate it for a place
in the Museaum of Modern Art.

Speakers: Sonus Faber Extrema. Amp: some M.Levison.
Preamp: Supratek Cortese. Arms: Schroder Ref, Basis Vector,
Graham. Cartridges: KoetsuRSP,Urushi,Shelter 901.

Well, unfortunately we did not have another table on
hand to A/B. But the sound that sprang forth was gorgeous.
TONS of musicality.
Room-filing & expansive. Every record we tried was great. Every
type of music we tried (rock,pop,opera,country,orchestra)
was brilliantly presented. All the arm/cartridges we tried sounded
great but all sounded different. We were able to easily
pick apart the sound of the cartridges & arms used.

Well its not cheap in absolute terms. But in relative
terms compared to the big-boy competition (Verdier,Loricraft 501,
SME,Walker,Rockport), this is an ABSOLUTE steal. I already have
1 big-boy table so I wont be able to get a 340 any time soon
but I think I might get one in 2 years (hope price
does not jump on me). I just hope this table will be in production at the time I have the money ready for it.

Chris is a great guy. He is very, very patient and
seems to be genuinely modest. After talkin to quite a few
inflated-ego audio designers, it was a great pleasure
to talk to a normal guy 1-on-1. I would have no
hesitation in buying from him.

Thank you all.

I have just sent in my deposit cheque.

Chris told me of the new Schroder DPS arm. This is identical? to the reference, but without the VTA adjustment or the counterweight. So guess what?, Chris has a VTA adjuster, and we can order the Reference counterweight.
Hi Cousin,
Glad you made the decision to take the plunge to order a Teres 340-2.
I am quite convinced that you will look back and feel it was one of your best audio choices you have made.
I continue to be delighted and surprised what this table can do and the detail, musicality, black background, and sound staging it puts forth.
Do let us all know when yours is up and running and how you like it.
Hope you get the Schroder. What cartridge are you thinking of getting to match up with it ?
Best Regards, Larry