
Hi, thought you guys could help me decide which direction to go on buying either the Scheu Premier II or a Teres/100 or 200 series table. Which Teres would be comparable to the Premier II. I know some of the same people designed both tables but sonically speaking/money, any thoughts on one or the other that might help me decide. I will be using a Morch UP-4 arm on the new table. Thanks in advance for any information. Any help is appreciated.
Both are nice tables. I personally own a Teres 245 and like it very much. You may be interested to know that the Scheu TT was the turntable used as the starting concept from which the original Teres project sprung. The Teres idea was to build upward from the Scheu table, with significant improvement in mind. I think they succeeded.
Hart at Audio Advancements will set up your Morch arm (he sells, installs them) on a Scheu table. I am in a similar dilemna; ie, Teres vs Scheu. I am leaning to the Teres despite the additional cost (note that the Teres comes with a clamp whereas it is an extra cost with the Scheu) for the following reasons:

a) Lots of support from people like Tom and others on Audiogon that have direct experience with different Teres combinations. There is very little information on the Scheu tables available that I've been able to find.

b) Teres is made in the USA.

c) Teres has an unconditional money back guarantee with no time limit with no explanations required. Teres thinks a lot of its products;

d) Some people that should know recommend the Teres as a slightly better table over the Scheu. Carlos Morsiani recommended the Teres over the Scheu; said they are both great tables but go with the Teres. Morsiani makes custom order turntables and great tonearms that you might consider over the Morch.

The Scheu Premier does have a model for two tonearms and is much less expensive than the Teres 240. One could acquire the Scheu Premier and a decent arm for the cost of the Teres alone. I would lower my sights and start with the Teres 150 (leaded birch base); you can always upgrade or build your own plinth down the road.

my 2 cents
Thanks for the initial info, both of you. I am very aware the Scheu was the blueprint, so to speak, for the Teres tables. I was even considering the 255 Teres but it gets a bit pricier at that level, but probably well worth it I suspect. I am quite capable of doing the actual arm setup myself, I have the gear to do it properly. I guess the question for me is: Which Teres table is likely to be close, sonically, to the Scheu. Perhaps the lower end Teres are sonically in line with the Premier II, I don't know. I have heard the Scheu but not any of the Teres models, hence my curiosity with the Teres. When buying a Teres, is it necessary to do some additional work as they come in a kit form or not. What is involed, or does it come ready to go with some set up, etc.
Rlmm. Thanks.
TWL - how do you know Teres succeeded in bettering a Scheu? Have you compared a Scheu to a Teres? Side-by-side, same everything? Has anyone? Or are you just speculating that a Teres is 'subjectively'? If you are speculating, on what basis do you think a Teres is better?

Here is another perspective for the archives: As a former Teres owner, if I were ever again in the market for a table like either of these, I would go with a Scheu.