I've tested my voltage over the course of a day and it was 123v constant. No fluctuation at all.
So, if I pigtailed to a SB receptacle would it still be beneficial using that existing circuit and coupled with the Niagara 1200's? The noise floor, to my untrained ears is pretty low, but I do hear a slight hiss from 10 inches away from the tweeters.
I'm trying to do the "can't really hurt" little things while waiting to upgrade other components.
So, if I pigtailed to a SB receptacle would it still be beneficial using that existing circuit and coupled with the Niagara 1200's? The noise floor, to my untrained ears is pretty low, but I do hear a slight hiss from 10 inches away from the tweeters.
I'm trying to do the "can't really hurt" little things while waiting to upgrade other components.