The Absolute Sound vs Stereophile

I love both mags. Definitely preferred Stereophile while R Harley was there.
I think he’s doing great at AS.
Still I miss his measurements 
and, at the same time, how AS fit in my pocket.

They both completely suck. Go back and take a look at these publications when they were thoughtful, informative, and nuanced. There were in depth articles about music and high fidelity using sophisticated language that seldom hyped. They were far less commercial, with fewer ads (and those that did advertise were not allowed to quote reviews). TAS had great cover art and both were smaller, uniquely sized. I still get them because they are almost free (to boost circulation figures so that they can charge more for ad space). I look at the pretty pictures, read the vapid, nearly useless music reviews, read the occasional Art Dudley piece and recycle. 
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Enid Lumley was too avant guard for her time. For ANY time. The mossbacks and backsliders will eat you alive. 
I seem to always agree with Stevecham.

"Fortunately, Audiogon, Steve Hoffman, Analog Planet, Vinyl Engine and others have replaced my magazine interest in written commentary, opinion, specs and general entertainment (when it's kept civil) about audio equipment".
BTW, I can get pretty Audio Porn pictures on the net.