The Beatles Revolver

Just read where Giles Martin is using  AI-powered audio separation technology to remix Revolver. From what I read he can take the mono tracks and separate all the instruments and vocals on the 4 track tape the were recorded on and then I guess remix them in 24 track or whatever he wants. Is this good? I love The Beatles and no matter how much better it my sound it not the same. They had what they had in 1966. And George Martin did wonders with 4 tracks. Where does this reissuing of classic albums stop. Is Revolver remixed in multi tracks still Revolver?


Of course the goal is to make money. So what? If someone wants yet another incarnation of some Beatles stuff - great. I have the Mofi Beatles collection with every US release (at least that's how it was sold) and it sounds great to me. I did supplement it with Hey Jude (on a Japanese pressing), which has some songs that weren't on the US releases and a couple of repeats.

At some point I was given the Beatles soundtrack to Cirque d'soleil (called Love) and it is OK for the car, but it is just a new piece of (inferior in my opinion) art that changes the original intention of the Band. Kind of like elevator music.

Sometimes I like variations, like some live albums, and sometimes not. For the "collectors" this is what it is. I don't know why you wouldn't just pick out your favorite version and just play that one, but that's me.

Oh my gawd @larsman, isn’t Let It Be absolutely dreadful?! I’d almost rather have a dentist do some work without novocaine than to have to listen to that pos. Naked or fully dressed, terr-i-ble. I’m surprised it ever esca....I mean was ever released.

Just think: at the same time The Beatles were recording Let It Be, The Band were recording their s/t "brown" album, The Stones Let It Bleed, and The Kinks Arthur, a trio of "pretty good" albums.

Each to their own. People have different tastes in music no different than with food or anything else in life. 

 Over the years, many of the records in my collection have given me an infinite amount of enjoyment. That will never change. If there is a way to get closer to those records, to hear details that I had never noticed before without adding anything; I'm all for it.  (Paul had WHAT for lunch?)   

Played a review copy of the upcoming Revolver release and both the stereo and mono remixes are superb. Instruments are well defined and in proper proportion.
I'd give Giles an A.