The best audiophile "gag" gift for X-Mas

My dear friend and fellow audiophile bought for me the remarkable, " Intelligent Chip CD Upgrade Device", from Machina Dynamica for my X-Mas present. Well, we all gathered around the sweet spot in front of the old high-end system, put in the demo CD in the transport, put the, " Intelligent Chip" on top of the transport for the recommended 2 to 3 seconds, and absolutely NOTHING happened regarding the sonics in any way! But, boy did we all crack up and had the best laugh on X-Mas day. Now, we had 9 more upgrades left in the, "Intelligent Chip", so if first you don't succeed try, try again. We did and again NOTHING happened except more howls of laughter and good cheer. Well, we decided that the, "Intelligent Chip", was adding as much improvement to the sonics of the system as (Un)Intelligent Design Theory is adding to the scientific explanation of the development/diversity of life on our planet. Both, are just a bunch of .... you fill in the blank, but for the $16.00 the dumb chip cost it was the best gag gift I have ever recieved on X-Mas.
Did you just waste the last 8 upgrades? If not, how did they go. Maybe the Intelligent Chip needed burn-in.
Teajay, what you needed was the IBC

(Intelligent Bovine Chip).......After 10 times on your digital, you spread it around your lawn.

I tried it on my CD player, didn't get better sound but afterward, the grass WAS greener on my side of the street.
Heehee,,,i wonder how much money the"inventor"has made on this thing?What a great way to get upgreed,i mean upgrade cash!!!
i gave my wife an EXPIRED gift certificate to a CARTIER!!!