The best audiophile "gag" gift for X-Mas

My dear friend and fellow audiophile bought for me the remarkable, " Intelligent Chip CD Upgrade Device", from Machina Dynamica for my X-Mas present. Well, we all gathered around the sweet spot in front of the old high-end system, put in the demo CD in the transport, put the, " Intelligent Chip" on top of the transport for the recommended 2 to 3 seconds, and absolutely NOTHING happened regarding the sonics in any way! But, boy did we all crack up and had the best laugh on X-Mas day. Now, we had 9 more upgrades left in the, "Intelligent Chip", so if first you don't succeed try, try again. We did and again NOTHING happened except more howls of laughter and good cheer. Well, we decided that the, "Intelligent Chip", was adding as much improvement to the sonics of the system as (Un)Intelligent Design Theory is adding to the scientific explanation of the development/diversity of life on our planet. Both, are just a bunch of .... you fill in the blank, but for the $16.00 the dumb chip cost it was the best gag gift I have ever recieved on X-Mas.
This might have been a fun topic to cover, but...

I sure wish we could limit the debate on AUDIOgon to arguments about tubes vs. transistors, digital vs. analog, 2 channel vs. home theater, etc. Those who wish to trade jabs on science and religion should do so in some other, appropriate forum.
Wow....what a discussion this has been! I have watched and casually studied both sides of the Creation vs Evolution argument over the years and have realized that people on both sides are passionate about their positions because there is evidence to support both. I have concluded for myself, and I am not attempting to push my beliefs on anybody, that God created everything we are, see and experience, but that evolution was the mechanism He used to accomplish it. Just my 2 cents. :o)
I have an opinion about science versus religion too, but will avoid discussing that at Audiogon.

Audiogon is a site for music and making it better. We owe each other the respect and freedom to worship (or not) as each sees fit.

Anyway, your more likely to convince a fellow member to buy a great new piece of software than changing something as deep as their view on religion versus science.
Albert, when I originally started this thread it was only to have fun and share a good laugh with fellow Audiogon members like yourself regarding ridiculous products like the Intelligent Chip. I had no idea that anyone would take the gist of this thread into the difference between science in comparison to theological or religious belief systems.

So, I do not believe that my responses were science against religion, but clearly stated my total and complete unconditional acceptance of everyone's individual right to their world viewpoint but to not purposely push their "religious agenda" under the banner of pseudo-science in our public schools.

I believe that I have been respectful and tolerant towards posters on this thread and totally agree that I would rather have had the thread keep to the topic at hand and just have fun with the ridiculous absurdity of the Intelligent Chip hunk of junk and its "magical" claims to improve the sound of digital equipment.

Well, therefore I will not respond anymore posts regarding Intelligent Design Theory, you know my position, but only add comments that go back to the intent, having fun/informing members of the hoax of this product, to this thread.
Agreed, and please understand my comments were not intended to call anyone down about their posts, I don't have that authority nor would I want that responsibility.