The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?

proud owner of ohm walsh, magnepan, eminent tech, acoustat!
JBL 4312-the finest studio monitor with the most accurate reproduction of sound and music without any distortion. It is still the one that is used by professional recording studio's worldwide. Absolutely no comparison to any other speaker except the L-100 which is the same but designed for retail use. Really, these are the finest with price being no object. They are no longer made but I have a pair in mint condition.
Any one of the speakers from Zu that I heard/owned - Zu Druid, Zu Definition, Zu Presence, Zu Essence.
Anyone ever bother to do a tally of the most mentioned? If you believe in the "wisdom of crowds" these must have some (subjective) merits, and probably should be on any shoppers shortlist. A few pieces that appear to show up quite a bit are:

Avalon Eidolon
Avantgarde Duo/Trio
Dunlavy (IV)
Vandersteen (5a)
Klipsch horns
Apogee divas
The "big Wilsons"
Quad ESL63
Wisdom Audio M75
Nearfield Pipedream

Interesting how many of these are "old designs".

Anyone with too much time on their hands interested in tallying these across the entire thread?

Notable absenties in my opinion are: Revel's, Verity Audio's and MBLs.
I will only comment that the reason that some names do not appear frequently is not that they lack in quality but that no one ever gets to hear them. This would be the case for the top of the line speakers of any company who primarily operates outside the US.