The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?

The Analysis Audio ,think it was the size down from their large model,unbelievable sound!!Surprised more people do not own them!If I had the money ,,that is the speaker I would have,,incredible bass too! -Raytheprinter

I have been hearing great things about these myself......


Hi Weseixas,
Thanks. And yes, panels are tough to set up...but can be incredible. I still remember listening to the Apogee Stages with Mark Levinson electronics around 15 years ago. They were already kinda old by then...but it was remarkable how "lifelike" they sounded.

Do u use panels? -12-18-10: Lloydelee21

Hello Lloydelee21,

Yes, a Hybrid, Ribbon mid/high with dynamic bass drivers.

kind of like telling who the most beautiful woman is just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder for an audiophile beauty is in the ear of the beholder
Best I've heard is, I think, the Focal Grande Utopia at an audio show a few years back. I've heard other megabuck speakers (Kef, Cabasse), but they didn't have quite the scale or combination of effortless flow and excitement of the Grande Utopia. But...speakers like these need a HUGE room!
Hello Lloydelee21,

Yes, a Hybrid, Ribbon mid/high with dynamic bass drivers.


Sounds like a good combination...very difficult to execute well. i have heard the STages...and more recently the CLXs which were very impressive...though without a sub not one for me. i have heard a local store i know well has the CLX now with the Descent THAT is one to hear. will likely go over and listen when i get a chance next week. i think the combination of panel and cone when done right is an exceptional one.

no chance i swap for my Wilson X1/Grand Slamms...too heavy to i like them enough not to care if there is something better out there...i am just enjoying my music these days and for me, that is the point.