The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
It's the one I am listening to right now. It has two changes to go before I am done,
I still have not found the one box SACD/redbook player I want yet.
I want to upgrade the BAT VK-31SE preamp to the VK-51SE.

VPI Super Scoutmaster w/signature arm
Dynavector XX2 cartridge
BAT VK-P10SE phonostage
BAT VK-31SE preamp
Parasound JC-1 monoblocks
Thiel CS7.2 speakers
Consonance Droplet 5.0 CDP
All cables are Bogdan Gold/Silver ref.
All power cords are LAT AC2
speaker cables are LAT SS1000
Audio Magic mini Stealth used for the digital.

Huge, deep, solid soundstage. Transparent. Lots of detail, but very relaxed and smooth.
As soon as I get my digital source worked out and the better BAT preamp, I am done for a long, long, time.
Speakers Thiel Audio CS7.2 (front), MCS1 (Center), CS2.4 Rear, SS2 Sub-Woofer.
Krell Showcase amp, processor
Krell Showcase DVD Player
DirecTV HD Tivo
ExactPower EP15A
Roku Labs M2000
Audio Quest Jaguar speaker and interconnect cables
This is the best I have to date, but far from what is to come. That is because this journey is neverending. Too bad the money seems to be. Here it is... B&W 800d speakers, Transparent Ultra MM bi-wired speaker cable, Pass Labs X-600 monos , Purist Dominus interconnects, Meridian 861 V4.2, Transparent reference digital interconnect, Shunyata Hydra 8 ac conditioneer and the weakest link in the chain(due to lack of money) is the Arcam DV27 cd. I will soon be purchasing the Meridian 800(I hope).
hi. i have recently inherited a pair of bose 2201 speakers, which from what i understand are extremely rare. i am trying to determine how to value them but am having extreme diffuclty. can anyone help? is there a price source like a blue book for stereo equipment? is there a stereo musuem? is there another forum that may have this information? thanks.
Hey hooper,

I just sold my Linns and bot the Dart combo so just as u using DCC2 strictly as a DAC.