That was too funny! :-)
As for the discussion topic...I was lucky enough to get an extended audition of a stock (no upgrades) Spectron Musician 3 MK II SE and compare it to my reference amps (Atma-Sphere MA-1's) on two different sets of speakers:
Vandersteen 5A's
Emerald Physics CS2's
While the Spectron clearly is more green and friendly towards more electricity bill, doesn't have tubes to replace, and can be left on and forgotten, it just didn't click with me in the same way the MA-1's do.
While the Spectron was a very nice amp, I didn't find the top end to be as clean and pure as others have stated. I am not saying that the others are wrong, just that I hear a top end that still is a little grainy and hazzy when compared to the MA-1's.
I agree with what Teejay said...there is no "BEST" amp and I am definitely not replacing my Class A tube mono blocks.