the dreaded breaking of tonearm what?

I just got a new (used) benz micro h2 in the mail and began my first install. Needless to say, didn't go very well. Actually, except for one tonearm wire breaking, it wasn't as bad as I thought.

So, is there anything I can do to salvage it? Or, should I just send it somewhere, or just a new tonearm cable? It's just the stock in the MMF-5, but don't have a budget right now for anything much better.

What would you do?

Good news: even though I only have sound through one channel, it already is an incredible difference. I think I need some extra counterbalance weight, as the force is tough to adjust. But already much better, except for the fact there is no soundstage with one speaker..

you can get a rewire kit pretty cheap and usually it will improve the sound over stock wire. I used the incognito kit to rewire a rb300 arm. The difficult part is soldering the clips.
Is there enough wire to re-solder the clip back on to the original tonearm lead?
Tpsonic...Just was able to pull out a little more of the white cable...there is enough to solder it back...Any tricks, methods, etc?

If you're lucky you can reuse the heat shrink, otherwise get a new piece and slide it up the wire out of the way until you've got things re-soldered.

Try to heat up the clip first since it has more mass than the wire.

You'll probably want to clip an alligator clip to the wire just below where you'll be applying the soldering tool. It will act as a heat source to keep the heat from traveling up the wire and melting more of the insulation.

Then slide the heat shrink over the joint. I've found a hair drier works pretty good with this small of heat shrink.

Had this happen to me several years ago with a MMF-7. I used the opportunity to re-wire the whole arm with better clips and wire. I think I spent about $40 and a couple of hours on a Saturday.
Dan_ed: Where did you get the wire and clips...I'm thinking this might be a good time for me to do the same...

Also, I think i'll be able to use the same heat shrink, that is if I can get it back on the wire...